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Cyber Defense experts help you assess and identify areas of weakness, modify your organisation's security posture to combat security threats early, and develop a solid defense in depth strategies against industrial espionage, possibly saving millions of dollars.

This is accomplished at Cyber Defense by using our security risk assessments experience, assisting you to ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks and technical safeguards, and reveal where essential information like credit card data or protected individual information could be at risk.


Vulnerability assessment by Cyber Defense is a thorough examination of an organisation's business assets to identify weaknesses that an individual or event may exploit, resulting in a threat.

Our team of professional cybersecurity consultants will assist you in interpreting the results of your vulnerability assessment. It will provide you with a thorough and coherent report that highlights a prioritised remediation model based on the situation's complexity and your team's ability to resolve known vulnerabilities, allowing you to improve your cybersecurity posture.


A PCI DSS compliance audit thoroughly evaluates the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which comprises almost 400 separate rules and is a requirement for any retailer, provider who keeps, analyses, or transmits cardholder data. In layman's words, a PCI audit analyses the security of your company's credit card processing system from start to finish.

Cyber Defense's Qualified Security Assessors (QSA) are available to assist you in determining the safest and most costly method to analysing your payment processes and systems and confirming that they satisfy the criteria set by PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).


The BCP provided by Cyber Defense entails outlining any threats that may impact the company's activities, making it a vital element of the risk management framework. To reduce the impact of such an incident on the business, it is essential to have a recovery plan that tackles the worst-case scenario – the destruction of the building or primary facility.

The Cyber Defense experts will collaborate with key personnel and stakeholders to develop a well-designed business continuity strategy that will guarantee that your employees and assets can return to work securely and swiftly after a crisis. The process would take into account all risks, both internal and external, that may have a substantial impact on operations. Using our business continuity consulting and management services can help you substantially decrease risks, minimise any harm, and, as a result, improve your customers' service.


Cyber Defense's network security audit provides a thorough examination of an organisation's security infrastructure. Organisations may use these audits to secure critical data, create a more trustworthy IT security plan, and address flaws even before an attacker can exploit them.

Our Security Audit service will provide you with an expert technical specialist to your designated location to conduct a comprehensive study of your complete network architecture, including a review of both internal and external data flow, security protocols, and compliance requirements.


To reap the benefits of cloud computing, your company should ensure that security risks are effectively handled, cloud-specific security concerns are managed, and cloud-based service security measures are correctly reviewed. Cyber Defense CSA services evaluate your virtualised server infrastructures for vulnerabilities in architecture or settings and then provide remediation strategies and solutions to address the gaps.

The Cyber Defense Cloud Security Assessment (CSA) is a service that evaluates the security and risk posture of client-managed public clouds. Our CSA services assure your preparation for cloud deployment network migrations and possible cloud providers' security governance.

Moreover, suppose your company already has a cloud footprint. In that case, our evaluation will offer you a quantifiable picture of where you are now, as well as a precise roadmap for progress and optimisation.


Baseline security measures should be examined, adopted, and constantly monitored for compliance across the board, from local start-up enterprises to giant multi-national corporations. The security baseline's fundamental task is to determine security-related business risks and provide mitigation strategies to the IT Project.

Our Cyber Security Baseline Assessment compares your corporation's cybersecurity posture to industry best practices at a particular moment in time. To assist you in comprehending your existing security maturity levels, our experts use industry-standard techniques and external vulnerability detection engines. Additionally, we will advise how these technologies and services should be set throughout your organisation to guarantee that the configurations used are best practices.


Employees are part of a company's attack surface; therefore, it is essential to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and the business against threats. In addition, employees must be informed about who to notify if a security concern is discovered, and they should be educated that data is a valuable business asset.

Hence, our Cybersecurity Education and Training service provides up-to-date security awareness training to assist you and your employees in improving your organisation's security posture. In addition, Cyber Defense collaborates with businesses to offer existing and prospective employees the information and skills needed to improve your team's operational abilities and their capacity to prevent, identify, and react to cybersecurity threats and cybercrime.


Verifying the efficacy of set controls is a crucial need for any cybersecurity management programme. Cybersecurity testing allows businesses to completely comprehend their network's vulnerabilities and the danger of such weaknesses being attacked in the real world.

To enhance frameworks and reduce risks, Cyber Defense conducts cybersecurity controls evaluations. Our experts will analyse the maturity level of your present information security procedures and evaluate your current security posture. We'll also go through your company's compliance obligations and advise how to increase your cybersecurity maturity.


With cyber dangers continuously developing, newer data protection and privacy compliance rules are being introduced and adopted. It's never simple to remain compliant. However, complying with industry requirements in cybersecurity does not have to be as challenging as it appears. Irrespective of the information security compliance requirements, our Security Service will swiftly and efficiently assist you through the compliance verification process, allowing you to go back to running your business.

No matter what your security issues or needs are, Cyber Defense's skilled IT Security Compliance advisors will assist you in designing and executing an ultimate strategic plan within a defined framework, aligning the security programme to meet security compliance objectives, or assisting organisations in complying with Australian Cyber Security framework and guidelines.


ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard for information security. It helps organisations of any size or any industry to protect their information systematically and cost-effectively through the adoption of an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Our specialists can support and guide your company in all aspects of the Management Information System (MIS), from analysing your information security against the standard to assisting you in achieving certification to the standard, thanks to their many years of expertise in the field. In addition, Cyber Defense can assess your company's controls against the ISM's standards and recommend achieving compliance.


The Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) seeks to provide outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) security evaluation services to the government in order to protect organisation information systems.

The IRAP assessors from Cyber Defense will partner with you to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of an organisation's security controls against the Australian government's security requirements.

According to the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), our team will conduct an evaluation in two stages:

  • A Stage 1 Security Assessment highlights security flaws that the system owner must either fix or mitigate.
  • A Stage 2 Security Assessment determines whether or not there is any residual compliance.

We offer a comprehensive variety of cybersecurity services to prevent an organisation from cyber-attack, including prevention, identification, and response to known and new emerging cyber threats.

Consulting and Strategy

Our specialists will assist you in reviewing significant system threats and your current security infrastructure to help you manage your security operations and budgets for the following years.

Risk, Governance, and Compliance

By conducting an ISO/NIST compliant Cyber Defense Cyber Security audit, we can ensure that your corporation and IT staff follow the finest security policies and procedures.

Testing and Assurance of Security

With some of Australia's most thorough testing of apps and architecture, you can quickly detect, address, and eliminate security threats and vulnerabilities.

Capability, Education, and Training in Cyberspace

Our security training programme educates your staff about the real risks and cyberattacks that might occur, as well as how they can prevent your company from being hacked.

Management of Identity and Access

You can cut expenses by efficiently maintaining digital identities while maintaining appropriate system access to your most essential services and information.

Security Service Management

Our Services maximises your security budget by combining security expenses and increasing your security staff, resulting in simplified security capabilities in a cost-effective solution.

High quality of Cyber Security Services

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    Our clients talk about us

    Client endorsement, we feel, is the most critical indicator of a consultancy's success. So here are some of our client's comments about our services.

    • Our demands for Cybersecurity control testing were met with enthusiasm and flexibility by Cyber Defense. Additionally, they took a collaborative approach to verify that the job they were going to undertake was in line with what we required. I particularly valued the regular updates I got from the security team, which kept me informed about milestones and general timeframes. Cyber Defense's ease of use and knowledge proved to be helpful.
      Alice Gibson
    • Cyber Defense is an amazing cybersecurity consulting firm that has always been there for us on our security journey. With Cyber Defense, we've found a great cyber partner.
      Brandon Ross
    • Our business has benefited greatly from Cyber Defense, which has provided us with the information we need to keep ahead of new threats. In addition, Cyber Defense's specialists were always competent and went above and beyond our expectations.
      Jennifer Lee